Healing at the Root...

WE ARE ALL MADE UP OF ENERGY. Our emotions are simply "energy in motion" , but because our nature is to stuff it down, this energy gets stuck, blocking the flow of energy in our bodies and causing physical illness.

EVERY CHRONIC CONDITION WE HAVE starts as energy blocks in the body- for instance, we know anger is stored in the liver. Thus, people with anger issues are likely to have a liver issue and people with resentment or fear tend to have kidney problems!

I started Shift Your Vibes in 2023 after my own long term struggles with depression, PTSD symptoms, and anger issues. Now, it is my passion to help others release their traumas, trapped emotions, and physical pain. Multiple modalities can be used- such as Reiki, Sound, and Crystals. This provides your body with more than one pathway to release and let go of what is no longer serving you. This form of healing can be immediate, no longer requiring years to heal. If you are ready to SHIFT YOUR VIBES and return to your natural healthy state of being, discover what session works best for you below.

Where do we store these emotions?

There are several maps available that show where common emotions get stuck. While worry accumulates in the spleen, chronic fear manifests as kidney issues, and anger hangs out in the liver.

Energy healing such as Reiki and Sound (Vibration) are quick and painless ways to let go of the excess "baggage" we have been dragging around!

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How Does Sound Healing Work?

Everything vibrates at its own frequency. When energy channels or chakras get blocked, that part of the body is no longer vibrating at the correct frequency, causing pain and eventually illness. Using the process of entrainment, we can apply the correct frequency to that part of the body, the body will soon match the applied frequency, bringing things back into alignment.

Watch the video below to visualize the process!

Cymatics: What Sound Looks Like

It's time to heal.

Sessions last approximately 45-60 minutes and can be in person (by appointment only) or over Zoom.

Many people heal adequately in one session, but others, depending on the severity of symptoms, may need 3 sessions or more.

Below is a list of services I offer- choose what resonates the most with your inner guidance, or try them all!

Shift Your Vibes

Sound Healing and Aura Clearing

Throughout this complete healing experience, the chakras undergo an evaluation for openness and function, followed my weighted tuning forks to balance and heal. Then, energetic blockages in the body and the aura are released with solfeggio tuning forks, facilitating the restoration of natural energetic flow. The session concludes with a crystal pyramid experience to ensure balance and clear the Aura.

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Crystal Reiki Session

Crystals add an extra element of healing by interacting with the body's energetic field. Crystals can channel Reiki energy flow with their unique vibrations, enhancing your reiki session. Using geometric patterns, or 'sacred geometry', you can choose your own grid for a specific effect. See my blog posts that discuss grids further.

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Shift Your Vibes

Chakra Healing

Feel the unique vibration spread throughout your body as the chakras are balanced and reset with the use of tuning forks. Each chakra is then given reiki energy to remove any blockages and energize each area. This offers immediate physical and mental benefits, such as pain cessation, stress relief, and calm relaxation- A perfect Mother's Day treat!

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shift your vibes reiki

Emotion Code Releasing

Using the Emotion Code and Body Code, we will discover and release trapped emotions AND PHYSICAL IMBALANCES in the body, getting rid of the "baggage" you carry around on a day to day basis. *This process also works for ancestral inherited trauma and emotions.

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shift your vibes

Mobile Sessions

Do you have a group event with several people wanting sessions?, or just want an in-person session but unable to make it out of the office? This is a great option for you.

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Prepare and Recover

  • Root Chakra

    Located at the base of the spine is the first of the 7 Chakras. Muladhara, or "root" Chakra is associated with fear. It is where "fight or flight" comes from, along with our sense of stability and security – including our basic physical needs and familial relationships. When overactive, this can manifest in addictions and anger.

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  • Sacral Chakra

    The Sacral Chakra, or Svadhishthana Chakra, is the second energy center and is associated with guilt. This chakra plays an important role in our well-being, awakening our creativity and sexual energy while maintaining the healthy functioning of our bladder, kidneys, and reproductive organs. Manifestations from an unbalanced sacral chakra can be in the form of sexual organ dysfunction and disease.

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  • Solar Plexus

    The Third Chakra is known as Manipura, or Solar Plexus. It is the seat of our personal power and determination, associated with shame. People who are domineering or controlling are said to have an overactive solar plexus. This region maintains our digestive organs, intestines, and can manifest as constipation when blocked.

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  • Heart Chakra

    The Heart Chakra serves to connect the upper and lower chakras in the body. Anahata is the fourth chakra and is associated with grief. It governs the love we have for ourselves and others, and people with heart chakra blocks often put others above their own needs first, to their own detriment.

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  • Throat Chakra

    Vishuddha is the fifth energy center in the body and is located at the throat. It is associated with our ability to communicate, manifesting issues such as teeth and gum problems, domineering conversations, trouble speaking your mind. When in alignment, you will speak and listen with compassion and feel confident when you speak because you know you are being true to yourself with your words.

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  • Third Eye Chakra

    Our Ajna, or Third Eye Chakra, is located between the brows and is associated with our extrasensory perceptions. Like exercising a muscle, we can practice these skills and master them- they are not gifts for certain people! Issues can manifest as headaches, vision problems, trouble hearing.

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  • Crown Chakra

    Lastly, our Crown Chakra, or Sahasrara, is thought to be the connection to spirituality and the heavens and is located at the top of our head. When this chakra is opened, it connects all of our chakras, bringing bliss with the knowledge of our life purpose.

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Medical Journal Articles

“Trauma experienced during childhood can be stored in the body and can lead to physical symptoms such as chronic pain, headaches, and gastrointestinal issues. Childhood trauma can also lead to mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).”


Science acknowledges a substantial amount of pain relief from reiki, both physical and mental, even if they do not understand HOW. They acknowledge the Aura and have even photographed it, yet they discount this in public.

PubMed is a great resource for finding articles published on this. Here is a link to one published at the NIH (National Institute for Health): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5871310/

Trauma and memories can be stored as energy in the body through cellular memory, and can lead to physical symptoms such as chronic pain, headaches, and gastrointestinal issues. Childhood trauma can also lead to mental health disorders such as lifelong anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Reiki removes this stagnant energy that can block the flow through our energy centers, called chakras. During a session, it is common for those old traumatic memories to surface and be released, restoring the body back to its natural state. In turn, feelings associated with those memories no longer are needed, lifting our mood and relieving depression.

Cellular memory is a widely-known theory that memories can be stored outside the brain, in ALL cells. It is a chemical modification of DNA called myelation. 

Cellular memory can be seen in immune cells, which respond quickly to pathogens they've encountered before. For example, skin cells respond more quickly and strongly to a second stimulus after being exposed to an inflammatory stimulus. 

Cellular memory can also be seen in adult cells, such as blood or skin cells. This memory records how the cell changes as it develops from an embryonic cell into an adult cell. 
Some people who have received organ transplants believe that non-brain tissues can have memories. For example, a woman who was afraid of heights had received the lungs of a mountain climber! Read the article in Science direct for more information at 


Blog About Chakras

Crystal Reiki Grids Blog